Tagget: Are u blogohoolik?

Daca sunteti dintre cei ce citesc mult din scrierile blogosferiei cu siguranta stiti despre ce este vorba. Daca nu, iata articolul complet.

Din articolul mentionat l- am selectat si adaptat textul dupa gustul meu urmatoarele:

  1. You have to turn back on your way to the airport because you forgot to “tell” your blog that you’re going away.
  2. You sneak off during a date to check your hit stats.
  3. You update your blog about your life more than you actually live it.
  4. You think LSD is something to do with RSS or XML.
  5. Your family don’t call anymore, they just check your blog.

  6. You eat blogging. You sleep blogging. You drink coffee.
  7. You think Nike should make a shirt that says “just blog it”.
  8. You would buy it if they did.

  9. You start conversations with the phrase “top 10 ways to…” because you think it will get you on the front page of Digg.
  10. You’re listening to the travel news and get excited by the phrase “heavy traffic”.
  11. You moblog your own wedding.
  12. You keep a blog ideas notepad by your bed. And you go to bed early just so you can write in it.
  13. You check your Adsense revenue more than your bank account.
  14. You’ve got more “blog friends” than “real life” friends.
  15. You turn down invitations to go out because you haven’t yet written your post for the day.
  16. You introduce yourself at parties as a “new media journalist”.
  17. Your breakfast of choice is toast, cornflakes and Google reader.

  18. You’ve got “Custom CSS for Dummies” on your Christmas list.
  19. You think the 3 Rs are Reading, Writing and RSS.
  20. You can’t remember what you did last week without consulting your blog.
  21. Your blogroll is longer that your cell’s phonebook.
  22. You think “I wonder how this’ll look on Flickr?” when posing for photos.
  23. When asked to feed the dog, you think “RSS or Atom?”
  24. The only time your friends hear your voice is on your podcast.
  25. You include ownership of your blog in your will.
  26. You know what a blog carnival is.
  27. You’ve participated in one.
  28. You wonder if they do vacations at the Googleplex.
  29. Under the hobbies section of an online dating profile you just put “Googling myself”.
  30. Your licence plate matches your domain name.
  31. Your lifetime goal is achieving a Page Rank of 10.
  32. People in the street recognise you from your MyBlogLog photo.

  33. You got that last one.
  34. You have more than three friends with numbers in their names.
  35. You’ve ever used the term “blawg” in coversation.

  36. You try to offer links as a form of payment in restaurants.
  37. You start getting withdrawal symptoms when you go a day without posting.
  38. You met your girlfriend/boyfriend through a blog.
  39. You get more “approve this comment” e-mail messages than spam.
  40. People worry about you when you do not post for a day.

  41. You make the wrong post to the wrong blog on the wrong day.
  42. You finish reading this and go to make a post with your own additions… :-)
Acest post a fost facut pe baza informatiilor puse la dispozitie de Auras


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