Special Olympics Romania si Susanne Hausschmid-Miss Chiemgau la Jocurile de Iarna ale Bavariei
In perioada 9-14 martie 2010 Special Olympics Romania a participat cu o delegatie de 4 sportivi si 2 antrenori la a Doua Editie a Jocurilor de Iarna Special Olympics ale Bavariei, desfasurata in localitatea Reit im Winkl (regiunea Chiemgau), situata la 100 de km de orasul Munchen, in landul Bavaria. In cadrul acestei competitii s-au intrecut peste 300 de sportivi din Germania, Austria si Romania la probele de schi alpin, schi fond, snowboard, mers/alergare pe zapada.
Mohammad Abedin Nejadi si George Stanciu au concurat la probele de 100 si 400 de metri mers/alergare pe zapada reusind sa obtina o medalie de argint si merituoase clasari pe locurile 4 si 5.
Stelian Jerlaianu si Viorel Tataru si-au demonstrat abilitatile de schiori castigand medalii de argint si bronz la probele de slalom super urias si slalom urias.
Delegatia noastra a fost intampinata la aeroport si, ulterior, insotita pe toata durata evenimentului de catre Susanne Hausschmid, Miss Chiemgau, o incantatoare tanara care i-a cucerit si a fost, la randul ei, cucerita de candoarea si entuziasmul tinerilor nostri sportivi.
Lacrimi si zambete, multe emotii si aplauze infocate, bucurie, prietenii, imbratisari calde – toate au facut din acest eveniment o experienta deosebita pentru sportivii nostri, campioni internationali la sporturile de iarna.
Deplasarea echipei Special Olympics Romania fost posibila datorita sprijinului oferit de prietenii nostri de la firma Distral- (www.distral.ro) . De asemenea, echipamentul sportiv purtat de catre membrii delegatiei este sponsorizare din partea firmei Vuarnet – distribuitor in Romania Sonoma S.r.l. (www. sonoma.ro) . Multumim gazdelor noastre de la Special Olympics Germania si Special Olympics Bayern precum si tuturor celor care au contribuit la participarea delegatiei SOR la aceasta competitie internationala.
English version:
Between March 9-14, 2010 a Special Olympics Romania delegation - 4 athletes and 2 coaches- participated in the 2nd Bavarian Special Olympics Winter Games that took place in Reit im Winkl (Chiemgau region) which is located in Bavaria land, 100 km away from Munich. 300 athletes from Germany, Austria and Romania competed in alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.
Mohammad Abedin Nejadi and George Stanciu competed in 100 and 400 meters snowshoeing event, winning a silver medal and managing to get on the 2nd , 4th and 5th place.
At the alpine skiing event Stelian Jerlaianu and Viorel Tataru proved their abilities during the giant and super-giant slalom races, getting a silver and a bronze medal.
Our delegation was welcomed at the airport by Miss Chiemgau, Susanne Hausschmid, a lovely young woman. During the event she went along with our team, being charmed by the enthusiasm and tenderness of the athletes and being, at her turn, an inspiration for them.
Tears and laughs, a lot of emotions and applauses, joy, friendship, warmhearted hugs- all these transformed the event into a special experience for our athletes, who are now international winter sports champions.
The SOR team participation in this event was possible thanks to the support from our friends from the Distral Company (www.distral.ro ). Also, the ski gear that athletes were wearing represent a sponsorship from Vuarnet Company (in Romania: Sonoma SRL - www.sonoma.ro ). We would like to thank our hosts, Special Olympics Germany and Special Olympics Bayern and all those who contributed to the participation of Special Olympics Romania delegation in this international competition.
Mohammad Abedin Nejadi si George Stanciu au concurat la probele de 100 si 400 de metri mers/alergare pe zapada reusind sa obtina o medalie de argint si merituoase clasari pe locurile 4 si 5.
Stelian Jerlaianu si Viorel Tataru si-au demonstrat abilitatile de schiori castigand medalii de argint si bronz la probele de slalom super urias si slalom urias.
Delegatia noastra a fost intampinata la aeroport si, ulterior, insotita pe toata durata evenimentului de catre Susanne Hausschmid, Miss Chiemgau, o incantatoare tanara care i-a cucerit si a fost, la randul ei, cucerita de candoarea si entuziasmul tinerilor nostri sportivi.
Lacrimi si zambete, multe emotii si aplauze infocate, bucurie, prietenii, imbratisari calde – toate au facut din acest eveniment o experienta deosebita pentru sportivii nostri, campioni internationali la sporturile de iarna.
Deplasarea echipei Special Olympics Romania fost posibila datorita sprijinului oferit de prietenii nostri de la firma Distral- (www.distral.ro) . De asemenea, echipamentul sportiv purtat de catre membrii delegatiei este sponsorizare din partea firmei Vuarnet – distribuitor in Romania Sonoma S.r.l. (www. sonoma.ro) . Multumim gazdelor noastre de la Special Olympics Germania si Special Olympics Bayern precum si tuturor celor care au contribuit la participarea delegatiei SOR la aceasta competitie internationala.
English version:
Between March 9-14, 2010 a Special Olympics Romania delegation - 4 athletes and 2 coaches- participated in the 2nd Bavarian Special Olympics Winter Games that took place in Reit im Winkl (Chiemgau region) which is located in Bavaria land, 100 km away from Munich. 300 athletes from Germany, Austria and Romania competed in alpine skiing, cross country skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.
Mohammad Abedin Nejadi and George Stanciu competed in 100 and 400 meters snowshoeing event, winning a silver medal and managing to get on the 2nd , 4th and 5th place.
At the alpine skiing event Stelian Jerlaianu and Viorel Tataru proved their abilities during the giant and super-giant slalom races, getting a silver and a bronze medal.
Our delegation was welcomed at the airport by Miss Chiemgau, Susanne Hausschmid, a lovely young woman. During the event she went along with our team, being charmed by the enthusiasm and tenderness of the athletes and being, at her turn, an inspiration for them.
Tears and laughs, a lot of emotions and applauses, joy, friendship, warmhearted hugs- all these transformed the event into a special experience for our athletes, who are now international winter sports champions.
The SOR team participation in this event was possible thanks to the support from our friends from the Distral Company (www.distral.ro ). Also, the ski gear that athletes were wearing represent a sponsorship from Vuarnet Company (in Romania: Sonoma SRL - www.sonoma.ro ). We would like to thank our hosts, Special Olympics Germany and Special Olympics Bayern and all those who contributed to the participation of Special Olympics Romania delegation in this international competition.